L I F E - G O E S - O N/생활정보

미국 입국시 필요한 코로나 테스트 관련 정보

Conglog 2021. 9. 27. 17:41

새로운 미국 입국 규정에 따라, 2021년 1월 26일 부로 미국행 항공편(미국 도착일 기준)을 이용하는 만 2세 이상의 모든 국제선 승객에 대해 COVID-19 테스트 음성 증빙 자료 제출이 요청됨

1. 미국행 모든 국제선 승객 증빙 제출 사항

1) COVID-19 음성확인서 

* 필수기재내용
(1) 여권과 동일한 영문이름 및 생년월일
(2) 항공편 출발 전 3일 이내에 샘플 채취된 날짜
(3) 테스트 종류: PCR, LAMP, Antigen test 등
(4) 테스트 결과: “negative”, “SARS-CoV-2 RNA not detected” or “SARS-CoV-2 antigen not detected”

2) CDC에서 요청하는 미국입국 증명서류 (Passenger Disclosure and Attestation to the United States of America) : 사전 프린트하여 작성후 소지하여야 하며, 공항 체크인 수속 시 확인 요구됨

*참조 - 필요양식 https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/pdf/attachment-a-global-passenger-disclosure-attestation-2021-p.pdfhttps://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/pdf/attachment-a-global-passenger-disclosure-and-attestation-2021-01-12-p.pdf)

- COVID-19 테스트 증빙 제출에 관한 안내 (https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/fr-proof-negative-test.html)

2. COVID-19 완치승객 증빙 제출 공지사항

1) 출발 전 90일 이내의 양성확인서
2) 완치 및 여행가능진단서
3) CDC에서 요청하는 미국입국 증명서류 (Passenger Disclosure and Attestation to the United States of America)

3. COVID-19 test 면제승객

- 만 2세 미만의 어린이
- 미국 50개 주, 미국령 사모아, 괌, 북마리아나 제도, 푸에르토리코, 미국령 버진아일랜드 내 에서만 여행하는 승객
- 공무중인 US military

<루프트한자 규정>

United States - Important Travel Information (LH Group)

Last update: 9/24/2021

Carefully read and comply with both sections of Entry Regulations:

  1. Important Information from Lufthansa Group (following)
  2. General Travel Regulations IATA (below)

The following entry regulations apply for travel to the United States of America:

  1. All travelers to the United States of America are required to complete the  US Disclosure and Attestation form.pdf before departure and bring a printed and signed copy with them.
  2. Travelers older than 2 years must have one of the following certificates:
  • a negative COVID-19 test result, taken at most 3 days before departure from the first embarkation point. Accepted tests are: antigen, NAAT, RT-LAMP, RT-PCR or TMA.
  • a positive COVID-19 test result issued at most 3 months before departure at the first embarkation point and a letter from a health authority stating that the passenger has been cleared for travel



  • Customers who travel to the US as spouses of a US national or US permanent resident: The US authorities strongly recommend that the required marriage certificate is in English or accompanied by an English translation of the marriage certificate.
  • All customers, including children over the age of 2, must wear a facemask on flights to and from the US.


Announcement about re-opening in November

Starting November 2021 - the exact date is still unknown - European tourists from all Schengen member states and the United Kingdom will be allowed to enter the US again. All travelers have to be fully vaccinated and have a negative test result, issued within 72 hours before departure. Also all travelers must provide their phone number and E-Mail adress to the US authorities for Contact Tracing. Children are exempt from the vaccination requirement.

As soon as more information is communicated regarding the exact date, allowed vaccines, exemptions, etc. we will communicate accordingly.

